If you’re planning to start a cigarette business, here are 5 things to know before hiring cigarette companies in Dubai. Smoke shops typically have a massive inventory and range of products. The staff should be ready to help customers navigate their shopping experience. To hire the right staff, interview them early and offer competitive pay. Before opening your cigarette business, set up social media. In addition, look for media outlets.
Smokers are not a “protected class” by federal law:
If you’re considering hiring a cigar company or cigar bar, you should know that it’s not illegal to discriminate against smokers. Most states prohibit employers from refusing to hire smokers, but some states have exceptions, including the health care industry. Before you hire a cigarette company or cigar bar, consult with your legal counsel to determine if smoking bans are allowed.
Employers can ask applicants if they smoke cigarettes:
It is perfectly legal for employers to ask if applicants smoke before hiring them. However, this tactic crosses the line between personal and professional. The question suggests that an employer is using the applicant’s smoking habit to exclude certain individuals from the job. However, the question may violate the company’s anti-discrimination policies. Considering that smoking is a legal habit outside of the workplace, employers should be careful when asking this question.
Employers pay more for health insurance if their workforce includes a lot of smokers:
A recent survey found that employers should charge smokers more for health insurance than non-smokers. Most of these companies are self-insured, so they can only collect the surcharge if their workforce is largely tobacco-free. Some even have onsite fitness centers or pay gym memberships. These companies have taken steps to encourage employees to quit smoking and offer financial incentives for avoiding health risks.
Employers with a large percentage of smokers are required to pay an additional DH 20 per employee health insurance contract. In Dubai, smokers are charged Dh 40 per month for their health insurance plan. Smoking is not just unhealthy. It also leads to absenteeism, poor productivity, and health care costs. The costs are even more staggering if you consider the legal minefield that smoking incentives can be for small businesses.